Sunday, January 30, 2011

I'm really happy with all the work you are doing!!!! It seems some people decided creating a conceptual map in the end, which was not so popular as a Wordle about vebs- by the way, why did you all chose verbs and not adjectives or nouns? Anyway, I'm grateful about any effort you decided to do. I hope all these activities were useful and interesting, at least a bit. Let's keep working like this!!! :)

Conceptual map by Miranda:

Poster with new vocabulary by Carles:

Wordle: Homework, strange words

And by Víctor:

Wordle: Untitled

Thanks guys!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The first personal conceptual map!

Isma has been the first one to dare sending a conceptual map on his own. I'm really happy, it is wonderful!

And Hamza has done a new poster with some vocabulary:
Wordle: The Tudors

Wonderful work!

Friday, January 28, 2011

And still more Wordle!

I'm very happy with your work, my dear students! Below you can find some more posters. Now, why don't you try with the activity about charity? I think you will find it interesting and useful.

This one by Thierry:

By Isma Hihou:
Wordle: palabras

And by Andy:

Wordle: Verbs of all the songs
Wordle: All the adjectives of the songs
Wordle: All the nouns of he songs

Wonderful work guys! :)

Conceptual map about UNICEF.

Here you have the first result! Doesn't it look great? :)

To enlarge the image, click on it.

If you want to add more, please, send it trough a comment or an e-mail. I can't wait to see it!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


After talking about charity in class, I think you can investigate a little bit about the topic. Let's read some information about some charitable organizations, and then we will create some posters with the main information found, using this simple tool to create conceptual maps.

These are the articles, choose one:

Amnesty International.
Or, if you dare, a longer and more detailed one, about The Red Cross.

I hope you find this activity useful and interesting.
And here one more, by Leandro. Fantastic!

Wordle: leandro

And I'm still willing to see some more, please!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Wordle about Henry VIII and The Tower of London.

Here you can see some of the results from the previous activity. They look great!

If you want to add more, just copy and paste the link as a comment, so I can upload it.

Wordle: Some new nouns

Wordle: Some new adjectives

Wordle: Some new verbs

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Henry VIII and The Tower of London.

Wordle: Intro to activity

To understand better the first story in your book "Strange Tales" it would be great that you learnt about its context. That means knowing a little bit more about its setting, the wonderful Tower of London, and the character Henry VIII.
To do so, can you watch some of the following videos? You may find a lot of new vocabulary. Why don't you take note of the new words you find useful? We will look up their meaning and then you will create some posters with these words, using this simple tool.
(To watch the videos or to open the tool, just click on them).

Let's go! I hope you enjoy it!

The Tudors song.
The wives of Henrry VIII.
Henry VIII.

Anne Boleyn.

Elizabeth I.
The Tower of London, video 1 and 2.

Gosths in The Tower of London.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hi everyone!

Here you have my blog, where you will find resources and activities to improve not only your language skills, but also your knowledge about new technologies.
These two concepts are quite related to each other: learning a language doesn't mean learning a set of grammatical rules and doing "fill-in-the-gaps activities", it means learning to COMMUNICATE, and, of course, new technologies are a source of communication. Thus, they are going to be really helpful in our task of learning a language, and, the best you can use a language, the best you can understand all the information new technologies offer you. So, the relation is easy to see!

I hope you find this experience as exciting as I do.