Saturday, February 10, 2018

Stereotypes: can we judge a book by its cover?

Stereotypes surround us, they are involuntarilly stick to our minds. For example, the Bristish are said to be extremelly polite.

Can you name some other national stereotypes? What about the Spanish? An article written by a British about "how to be Spanish" has been recently hardly criticised by Spaniars. What is your opinion? Read these more pleasant ones: 1, 2, 3

Therefore... can we judge a book by its cover? Can we rely on racial, gender, religious or any other kind of stereotypes? Children are undoubtelly certain we are all equal. 

Friday, February 9, 2018

Brave "New" Technologies

New technologies have revolutionized the way we live. In many ways, our lives have improved, but... maybe we should be carefult, don't we?

Health: the importance of sleep in your brain and the magic of execise.

Are you fit and healthy? Being healthy is not only a matter of beauty, it is a matter of happiness. If you look after yourself properly, you will feel much better and your life will improve. But... do you know what to do to be healthy? Try this quiz and watch the videos below. Then, let's comment!

What happens when you exercise. 

Link to the article here. 

What happens when you don't sleep. 

Save the Earth!

There are so many things to talk about when we discuss enviromental issues... Shall we start by watching and commenting this video?

Then... why all the fuss? Are we really causing so much damage to our Earth? Let's see what you know about Global Warming.

But... what can we do? Maybe or habits are not too eco-friendly... Take this quiz, or this one, to check your ecological footprint.

Watch this video about recycling plasctic.

Click here to see again the presentation made by our language assistant..

Prefixes and sufixes

Do you think learning word formation is difficult? This girl tells us about a very common suffix, which is kid of easy to use... kindda prolific!

Here we have a game to practise word formation: prefixes and sufixes, and here two with prefixes and their meanings. Finally, a compilation in this website.

Girl Power! Fight for equality.

Do you think we still live in a sexist society? Are we trapped by sex estereotypes? Do you know the meaning of the word "feminism2? Watch Emma Watson's speech (the complete version with Spanish subtitles here).

Don't you believe there women are still treated differently? Look at this infographic, or the one below:

Do you know who the suffragettes? Whatch these videos.

What did the women suffragettes do for you?              When did women win the right to vote?