Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Choose one of the following projects and work in goups (3/4 students). Share your document with me since the begining, and do not heasitate to contact me to ask any questions, please! Enjoy!


We've been discussing different stereotypes in class: racist, sexist, beauty and appearance... Let's find out whether they are still common or not so much. 
Follow the links below to find some ideas, and add others. Then, prepare a questionnarie in order to discuss different stereotypes: write, at least, 5 questions, and interview, at least, 5 people. After that, create an infographic with your findings, and get ready to share it in class. Do not forget to add explanations and analysis to your presentation!


Check this link. Investigate and create a presentation explaining:
  •  the meaning of "feminism", 
  • what do feminists fight for now, and what did they demand in the past;
  • is there equality in the world?
  • any other interesting information, such as when women started having the right to vote, go to university...

Different realities: war and refugees.

Follow the steps in the following webquest.  After that, investigate also about refugees (you can watch these videos -1 and 2- and read this article to help you). Prepare a presentation with your findings.